Screenshot of WRI home page

War Resisters' International

Founded in 1921, War Resisters' International exists to promote nonviolent action against the causes of war. WRI required an advanced multi lingual site.

In 2007, Netuxo developed the first version of the website of WRI using Drupal 6. In 2016 Netuxo began the development of a new website, combining several domains (in addition to exist and The content - in various languages - of the Drupal 6 site was migrated to Drupal 8, maintaining all URLs. During content migration images in the body of content were converted to embedded images. A number of newsletters (in several languages) using the Drupal 6 module EPublish were migrated to a new system based on taxonomies, with a new option to select content for these newsletters from existing website content and send the newsletters directly from the website.

July 2017

  • Drupal 8
  • Domain
  • Multilingual
  • Previewable email templates
  • Database integration
  • Multilingual content
  • Newsletter content selection
  • Multi-domain
  • Webshop integration