Home page of the SIPRI website with mobile detail

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Established in 1966, SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament and provides “data, analysis and recommendations - based on open sources - to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public.” It is widely considered to be the global authority on such issues.

The previous SIPRI site was resting on a very old Plone installation and one of Netuxo's tasks was to migrate the many thousands of items of content (of many different types) into Drupal 8 whilst retaining or redirecting existing URLs. We also created custom modules to handle aspects of the search, mailing list integration and research navigation - along with a bespoke theme, user manual, integrated Trendkite feed, custom staff contact forms and a fairly hefty amount of relational data that enables SIPRI staff to present web content in a highly organised and consistent manner.

Whilst not our first Drupal 8 build it was certainly the most challenging by some considerable margin!

June 2016.

  • Drupal 8
  • Media Entity
  • FlexSlider and Juicebox
  • Display Suite
  • Comprehensive research section with custom navigation
  • Bespoke responsive theme
  • Bespoke mailing list integration
  • Bespoke search options
  • Multilingual content
  • Embeddable slideshows and galleries
SIPRI website