About Netuxo
Along with hosting websites and providing mail services (see hosting packages), Netuxo specialises in website development using the Drupal Content Management System. We provide ongoing user support and an updates service, and have developed particular expertise in Drupal-based migration work (to/from a wide range of sources/destinations).
Drupal is free / open source software and is used to run some of the biggest websites in the world. There is a very large and active global community of developers building websites with Drupal.
We also provide Wordpress and front-end development services and offer user training and documentation for both Drupal and Wordpress websites.
We specialise in providing services to the "third sector", including NGOs, campaigners and other co-operators.
Our Structure
Netuxo is registered as a limited company in England and Wales and our company rules define us as a workers' co-operative. This means that we work as a collective and without formal hierarchy. All the members of the co-operative are directors and employees and all permanent employees have the opportunity to become members. We make decisions together and without a boss.
As a company limited by guarantee, we do not have any shareholders, and we do not receive any money from our status as members or directors (eg dividends, profit sharing, or the value of the company). We all receive the same hourly wage (pay parity) and any surplus is retained within the company in pursuit of its objectives.
Netuxo España
Netuxo is present in Spain, based in Sevilla, within Tramallol, a project that defines itself as "a mixture of persons, knowledge and projects", where we share the space with other interesting groups with compatible values. Netuxo España is presently the trading name of one of our directors, who is registered as self-employed in Spain. This means if you prefer to be invoiced in Euros, from Spain, we can do that.
Our memberships
Our memberships represent who we are and what we do. We are members of:
Cooperatives UK (member of the International Co-operative Alliance - ICA): Being a cooperative is not just a private preference, but one way to live the world we want to see. Being part of the international cooperative movement flows naturally from that: spreading what we believe in, and being part of a structure of mutual support.
REAS Andalucia: In Spain we are part of REAS (Red de Economia Alternativa y Solidaria), a network of alternative and solidarity economy. We share the six principles of REAS: fairness, work (in all its dimensions), respect for the environment, cooperation, working not-for-profit and a commitment to the communities we are part of.
Drupal Association: Being part of the Drupal Community is important to us. https://www.drupal.org/association
Social Enterprise UK: is the biggest network of social enterprises in the UK.